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4 min readFeb 18, 2021

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On the domestic front, Nehru was in the tradition of Fabian socialism — seeking to use state intervention to redistribute resources throughout society. He was sympathetic to aspects of Marxism, though critical of how it was implemented in countries like the Soviet Union. His government set up a system of universal education for children. This considerable achievement is marked annually on his birthdate (14 Nov) with a special anniversary — Bal Divas ‘Children’s day’ Nehru was a lifelong liberal and pursued policies to improve the welfare of the ‘untouchable class’ and Indian Women. Nehru was committed to secular ideas — once described as a Hindu agnostic. He was proud of India’s Hindu heritage but also feared religion could become ossified and hold back India’s development. In foreign policy, Nehru was one of the leading figures in the non-aligned movement. Nehru sought to keep India out of the Cold war; he didn’t want India to rely on foreign states — be it Russia or America. Poster The hill we climb Amanda Gorman.

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When the Pharaoh refused to grant freedom to the Israelites — 10 plagues were sent to Egypt. On the last plague — ‘the plague of the firstborn’ — All firstborn sons would die unless the door was marked with a red cross — a cross drawn with the blood of a sacrificed lamb. Only after this last plague did the Pharaoh relent. As Moses was leading the Hebrews away from Egypt, the Pharaoh had a change of heart and sent his army to destroy the Hebrews. It seemed that the Israelites would be trapped by the Red Sea. But, according to Exodus, the Red Sea was miraculously parted, allowing Moses to lead the Israelites to safety and then the sea closed in — destroying the Egyptian army. This escape from Egypt is celebrated by Jews in the festival of Passover. Moses led Israelites to Mount Sinai where he received, on behalf of Isreal the Torah or ‘law’. It renewed the Israelites’ covenant with God, originally begun with Abraham. From these laws, Moses instituted religious customs, laws and the priesthood. To Orthodox Jews, Moses is called Moshe Rabbenu, — defined as “Our Leader Moshe”, “Servant of God”, and “Father of all the Prophets”.

While Moses was on the mountain receiving commandments from God, the Israelites feared he would not return. Because of this fear, Moses’ brother Aaron made a golden calf to symbolise God’s presence, and the people start worshipping this. On his return, Moses symbolically smashed the stone tablets which contain the Ten Commandments and burnt the golden calf. He insisted that God be worshipped without form. A key aspect of Moses’ religious leadership was the promotion of a monotheistic religion. The Roman historian Tacitus (56–120 AD) later stated that Moses was influential — because of Moses, Tacitus writes that: “pagan mythology fell into contempt.” Moses wanted to lead his people into the fertile area of Cannan, but initially, they refused out of fear. Moses responded that this generation would never enter the Promised Land, but would wander in the wilderness for forty years until that generation had died. Poster The hill we climb Amanda Gorman. After 40 years, Moses led a new generation into Canaan, where he killed the Midianites who were living there. Moses is also an influential figure in Christianity. He is frequently mentioned in the New Testament — when Jesus Christ experiences a divine transfiguration — he speaks with the prophets, Moses and Elijah. Moses is considered a saint, in Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic traditions.

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However, after 1916, public opinion hardened against Germany. Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare, such as the sinking of the Lusitania, led to serious American casualties. Then in January 1917, the publication of the Zimmerman Telegram suggested Germany was willing to help Mexico regain territory in Southern US. By April 1917, Wilson had overcome his deep reluctance to go to war and asked Congress to declare war on the government of Germany. Congress overwhelmingly supported the decision. In 1917, the US army was very small, and to the Allies a disappointment; it took time for the US army to make a difference on the western front. However, by 1918, the steady increase in the number of American troops was beginning to make a difference and American forces helped to swing the balance against Germany. By November 1918, the Germans surrendered. At the end of the war, Woodrow Wilson presented his fourteen points to the Allies as a basis for a just armistice. The fourteen points included the general principle of self-determination.

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